Causes of Poor Digestion & 7 Natural Ways to Improve digestion

Poor digestion is one of the most common problems people face today. It affects millions of Americans each year. But there are natural ways to improve

Doctors often attribute poor digestion to various factors, such as digestive problems or stress. Medicines that improve digestion include diet and lifestyle changes.

Digestion is an essential part of our overall health. It helps us absorb nutrients from food and eliminates waste products that build up in our bodies. Everyone experiences gastrointestinal symptoms such as stomach pain, gas, heartburn, nausea, constipation, or diarrhea from time to time.

But if these symptoms come back regularly, they can seriously disrupt your life. Fortunately, dietary and lifestyle changes can positively impact your gut health.

You may learn about potential reasons of poor digestion, methods to enhance digestion, and at-home treatments for bad digestion in this article. Discover these seven natural ways to improve your digestion naturally!

What causes poor digestion?

Here are some instances of factors that might contribute to poor digestion.

Digestive Disease

Indigestion can be caused by diseases that attack the stomach or digestive tract. Some of the common symptoms of poor digestion include:

  • stomach acid
  • Indigestion (indigestion)
  • sparkling
  • constipation

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)

IBS is a common digestive disorder. In the US, between 10 and 15 percent of people have symptoms of IBS.

People with IBS experience changes in bowel habits in response to stress. The source of this stress could be a challenging early life experience, mental health problems, or a bacterial infection.

Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD)

IBD can manifest as ulcerative colitis or Crohn's disease. Continue reading to see how they are distinct from one another. Ulcerative colitis is brought on by an aberrant immunological response (UC). This condition causes the colon lining to become irritated and produce ulcers.

Approximately 600,000–900,000 Americans have UC, according to trustworthy sources. Another digestive ailment that affects over 500,000 people in the US is Crohn's disease. 

Burning and inflammation throughout the digestive tract are symptoms of Crohn's disease.

Read more about common digestive problems.

Other causes of poor digestion

Processed foods: Hot dogs and other highly processed foods might be bad for digestion. These foods can worsen inflammation and blood sugar levels, which lead to poor digestion.

Food Intolerance: An intolerance can cause a person to have difficulty digesting certain foods and can cause reactions, such as bloating or diarrhea.

Medications: Antacids or antibiotics can also cause digestive problems. These problems are side effects and should be resolved after a person stops taking the medication. Pain relievers also often have side effects on the gut. Opioid drugs include:


  • Tramadol
  • Morphine
  • Buprenorphine
  • tapentadol
  • Fentanyl

Poor Hydration: Not drinking enough water can lead to digestive problems like constipation. Not getting enough fluids can cause hard stools and reduce the number of bowel movements.

Stress: High levels of stress can also harm digestion. Excessive stress or anxiety can cause inflammation or diarrhea in some cases. Stress can make IBS or IBD symptoms worse.

Diabetes: Diabetics can develop high blood sugar, leading to gastroparesis that affects digestion.

People who are suffering signs of poor digestion should speak with a doctor to determine the cause.

7 natural ways to improve digestion

Get enough fiber.

Fiber is considered beneficial for good digestion.

Soluble fiber absorbs water and helps increase the number of stools. Insoluble fiber acts like a great toothbrush and helps your digestive system keep things moving.

Excellent sources of soluble fiber are whole grains, beans, nuts, and seeds, whereas legumes, whole grains, and whole grains are great sources of insoluble fibre.

An increased fiber intake is linked to a decreased risk of digestive disorders such as IBS, diverticulitis, hemorrhoids, reflux, and ulcers.

Another form of fiber that provides food for good gut flora is prebiotics. It has been demonstrated that a high-fiber diet lowers the risk of inflammatory bowel disease. Many fruits, vegetables, and entire grains contain prebiotics.

Drink water

Many people with indigestion suffer from severe dehydration. If this is a problem, try increasing your water usage now. With summer approaching, you have no choice. Choose fresh nimbu water, coconut water, or fruit juices to quench your thirst and keep you hydrated throughout the day.

Green herbal tea is another excellent way to hydrate and heal the body. Chili, ginger, fennel, and fenugreek are known for their digestive properties. Try dandelion tea with milk as a substitute for coffee.

Manage your stress

Your digestive system might suffer significantly from stress. It is linked to heartburn, diarrhea, constipation, and irritable bowel syndrome.

Stress hormones directly impact digestion. Think that you don't have time to rest and digest because your body is in fight-or-flight mode. Stress causes the body to redirect blood and energy away from the digestive system.

Plus, your gut and brain are closely connected – what affects your brain can also affect your digestion. Stress management, meditation, and relaxation exercises have been shown to improve symptoms in people with IBS.

Other studies have shown that cognitive behavioral therapy, acupuncture, and yoga have improved gastrointestinal symptoms.

Therefore, stress management techniques such as deep belly breathing, meditation, or yoga can improve your mind and digestion.

Boost Stomach Acid

This is an area that most people misunderstand. Many people prone to acidity, gas, and bloating have too little stomach acid but not too much. The usual treatment is to take antacids, which further reduce stomach acid, worsening the problem. The digestion of proteins in the stomach depends on an adequate quantity of stomach acid.

Stomach acid also kills pathogenic bacteria that can cause disease. By adding fresh lemon juice to water or consuming a spoonful of unpasteurized apple cider vinegar in water each morning, you can naturally raise your stomach acid levels. I add both to hot water with a dash of paprika every morning; honestly, I don't feel the same without it.

Eat carefully

If you're not careful, 

overeating food too quickly is simple, which might cause indigestion, gas, and bloating.

Mindful eating is eating and paying attention to all aspects of the eating process.

Studies have shown that mindfulness can reduce gastrointestinal symptoms in people with ulcerative colitis and irritable bowel syndrome.

Eat with caution:

  • very slow
  • Focus on your food by turning off the TV and the phone
  • On your plate, take note of how your food seems and smells.
  • Choose wisely for each kit.
  • Pay close attention to the food's flavor, temperature, and texture.

Chew your food

Digestion begins in your mouth. Your teeth break food into smaller pieces so the enzymes in your digestive system can break it down. Poor chewing is associated with nutrient deficiencies.

When you chew food thoroughly, your stomach has to work less to turn the cold food into a liquid mixture that passes into the small intestine. The more saliva you create when chewing, the longer you chew. Saliva helps start the digestion process in your mouth by breaking down some carbohydrates and fats in your food.

Saliva in your stomach is a liquid that mixes with digested food, making it easier to pass through your intestines.

Chewing well ensures that you have enough saliva for digestion. It can help prevent symptoms such as indigestion and heartburn.

In addition, chewing has been shown to reduce stress and improve digestion.

Deal with anxiety

Do you have a crazy busy day at work and always have a bad stomach? How are they related? Stress doesn't just hurt your brain; It can disrupt the digestive process.

There are various strategies to relieve stress, but one is to make it your goal to identify the relaxing technique that suits you the best. Easy, gentle exercises such as meditation, prayer, yoga, listening to soft music, walking, and sleeping help. To reduce stress levels.

Eat fermented foods

Consuming foods that have been cultured or fermented will assist in naturally replenishing your gut bacteria because they are high in beneficial bacteria. The more fermented and cultured foods you can add to your diet, the better. Try fermented vegetables, kimchi, or pickles; take it slow if you have a sensitive gut. Give your internal environment time to change and your digestive system to become stronger.

Home remedies for poor digestion

People with severe or chronic digestive problems should see a doctor. However, for digestive issues, many home remedies can solve their problem.

1. Convenience:

Before exams or significant events, many people report having an upset stomach, but ongoing stress can interfere with the brain's ability to communicate with the gut, leading to ongoing issues.

Physical and mental health are interrelated, and lowering stress can benefit both. The American Psychological Association recommends three main ways to deal with stress:

  • You have a good support network
  • exercise regularly
  • enough sleep

Eating quickly on a busy day can be tempting, but doing so can lead to indigestion and stomach upset. Take time to rest, especially before and after eating.

2. Drink mint tea

Peppermint tea is a home remedy for indigestion and indigestion. To make a simple mint tea:

  • Separate 5-10 mint or spearmint leaves.
  • A glass of water should be heated to a boil before cooling.
  • Pour water over the leaves and leave for 3-5 minutes.
  • If you'd like, add a lemon slice or some honey.

According to research, peppermint oil extracted from the leaves temporarily lessens IBS symptoms, such as stomach distress. To completely comprehend the science underlying this, more study is necessary.

3. Exercise

Moderate exercise can support digestion. Gravity can help move food through the digestive system by being straight and active. For example, walking slowly around a building can relieve and reduce feelings of fullness.

The digestive system muscles receive more blood when you exercise, which aids in moving food through the system.

4. Reduce gas

Gas can come from reliable sources swallowing air while eating or drinking. Gas is also produced in the body when food is digested. Gas trapped in the stomach can cause bloating and discomfort.

A certain amount of bodily gas benefits health, but certain activities can make someone swallow more air than usual, leading to increased gas levels. These include, for instance:

  • Drink soda
  • eat too fast
  • Wearing the wrong dentures

Some foods produce more gas as they pass through the digestive system. This includes:

  • Broccoli
  • Sugar
  • red onion
  • An Apple
  • yogurt

Massaging the stomach helps expel gas from the body, which helps reduce stomach pain and bloating.

5. Try Fermented Food

Microorganisms such as bacteria wholly or partially break down fermented foods. These microbes retain nutrients and can also benefit gut health.

These bacteria occur naturally in the intestines. Some foods aid digestion, but others can cause digestive problems if too many of them are in the body. Fermented foods contain bacteria that can aid digestion.

Some fermented foods include:

  • Probiotic Yogurt
  • flour bread
  • grated cabbage
  • kefir
  • Japanese soybean soup

Digestion will improve with the addition of these meals to the diet. Future studies are required to learn more about the effects of fermented meals on the gut flora.

Read more about examples of fermented foods.

6. Eat More Fiber

Reduced risk of heart disease and cholesterol are only two of the many health advantages of fiber. By controlling bowel motions, it can also assist digestion.

According to the Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2020–2025, adults should eat 30 grams of fibre daily.

Good sources of fiber include:

  • all grains
  • Fresh fruit and vegetables
  • dried fruit
  • Nuts and seeds
  • Vegetables

To guarantee that the fibre absorbs enough water to travel through the digestive system smoothly, one should drink a lot of fluids.

7. Keep a food diary

Some foods and drinks cause digestive problems. Keeping a meal journal might help you pinpoint the cause of these triggers, which can differ from person to person.

Record after meals, snacks, and drinks and mark the following digestive problems. Then try eliminating potentially problematic foods and beverages from your diet to see if your symptoms improve.

A dietitian can advise anyone before making significant dietary changes.


Digestive problems can be a result of stress or digestive problems. Indigestion problems may respond well to home remedies, such as adding or eliminating certain foods from the diet, exercising, and keeping a food diary. However, more severe problems may require medical attention.

Anyone with new or undiagnosed digestive problems should see a medical professional for proper diagnosis and treatment of their symptoms.

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