What is Coughing? 12 home remedies for cough

Coughing is among the most prevalent signs of the flu and a typical cold. Find out the 12 natural remedies for coughing!

Coughing is a symptom brought on by various underlying conditions rather than a disease. A cough aids in clearing the throat of debris and other irritants and helps in clearing phlegm (mucus). Coughing, in essence, is a defense mechanism that guards against germs that somehow find their way into your air passageway and protects your body, especially your lungs.

Alongside the defensive cough, sometimes it may occur because of viral and bacterial infections, allergies, and pulmonary diseases. With acid reflux, the cough persists for a long time. A chronic cough is annoying and needs a medical assistant.

The 12 most potent at-home treatments for chronic coughing will be covered in this article.

Black pepper

Black pepper is a common spice in almost every meal at home.It has a calming effect on the throat. It contains vitamin C that boosts your immune system and helps eliminate harmful bacteria and antioxidants that prevent you from being attacked by free radicals. Black pepper is best for the cough that occurs in winter because of the cold.

How to treat a cough with black pepper

Half a spoon of honey should be combined with a pinch of black pepper powder. Use this mixture every morning before breakfast. Black pepper will give you relief from a cough and also prevent a sore throat. Take five to six black peppers and eat them without water every night before sleeping for three days, and after eating this, avoid using water.

Honey tea 

A study reported that honey remarkably affects cough; it reduces cough and mucus secretion. It has an anti-inflammatory effect and gives relief from irritation. It also has antioxidative properties, stimulates cytokine secretion, has antibacterial properties, and has a soothing effect on the throat.

A study proved that honey is more effective in treating coughs than the compounds in cough syrup called dextromethorphan and diphenhydramine.

method of using honey to treat cough

Boil a cup of water or make herbal tea and add two tablespoons of honey in warm water or herbal tea. You can also add lemon to it. Use this syrup every day. It is the best remedy for nighttime coughing. It considerably reduces the frequency of coughs.


Many plant products that are the common ingredients in our everyday meals have several benefits. It gives relief from respiratory problems and stomach problems. Ginger is the most effective home remedy for dry or asthmatic cough.It improves the contraction and relaxation of airway smooth muscles and relieves coughing. It also stimulates the anti-inflammatory activity of your immune system, creates an antioxidative effect, and reduces allergic responses.

How can I get relief from a dry cough?

Boil a cup of water, then add 20–40 gm of ginger water and soak it in water for a few minutes to extract its flavor. Using this ginger tea will help relieve dry cough.

Marshmallow root

For centuries, marshmallow, or Althaea Officinalis, has been an herb to treat coughs.A study reported that the high mucilage content of marshmallow root has a soothing effect on the throat. Many cough syrups contain marshmallow root. It can treat oral irritation and dry cough and offer rapid relief. Most people tolerate this herb, but only a few show slight adverse effects.

method of using marshmallow root to ease cough

Add the dried marshmallow roots to a cup of boiling water and soak them until the water becomes mucilaginous. Drink them when it becomes cool.

Salt and water gargles

Saltwater gargle is the oldest remedy for sore throats and coughs. The high salt concentration kills the infectious agent and prevents upper respiratory tract infections. It helps remove exudate (fluid) from swollen (inflamed) cells and reduces throat pain. Saltwater gargle helps in the removal of thick mucus from the throat and gives relief from the urge to cough.


Thyme is the dried herb obtained from the plant belonging to the Lamiaceae family. Thyme contains various compounds that have antiseptic properties. It treats dry, whooping cough and bronchitis and can cure gut problems and gingivitis. Many studies reported that thyme ivy and primrose-based cough syrup reduce the frequency and severity of the cough.


Probiotic bacteria keep your gastrointestinal system healthy by maintaining gut flora that fights harmful infection-causing bacteria and stimulates your immune system.The probiotic has no direct effect on cough, but it treats the cause of cough (underlying condition). The researchers suggested that children who drink milk containing lactobacillus and bifidobacterium less often suffer from colds. Probiotics are not only potent for children but also safe for adults.

Consuming these foods will provide you with the advantages of probiotics.

· Yogurt

· Sauerkraut

· Kefir

· Cheese

· sourdough bread.


Peppermint is an aromatic herb used for many remedies and is commonly used in the Middle East to ease respiratory ailments. The menthol gives you a soothing effect and has antibacterial and antiviral properties. It provides sudden relief from the symptoms of respiratory infections like sore throats and coughs.

For treating cough, you can use peppermint tea or take peppermint steam. You can create a peppermint remedy at home by adding a few peppermint leaves to water and boiling it. Drink this tea when it becomes slightly cool.

Almond milk

Almonds contain active ingredients with antioxidative properties. It is a very nutritious food with a lot of protein. Almond milk and almond nuts are both very beneficial for dry coughs.

How can I use almonds? 

Soak shelled almonds overnight in water, remove the shell and make a paste of them; add butter to the paste (one teaspoon). Consume this paste daily until you get rid of the cough.


Onion or Allium cepa is a vegetable commonly used for medicinal purposes from ancient times that has several health benefits. It contains an essential flavonoid called quercetin that helps in the reduction of cardiovascular disease and also decreases the risk of cancer. Onion also has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties. Everyone knows these are the general benefits of onions, but most people don't know their role in treating colds and congestion.

Taking cough syrup containing baked onion helps in curing dry cough. You can also make a remedy containing onion at home by mixing half a teaspoon of onion juice with one teaspoon of honey. Taking this remedy twice a day will treat coughs.

Turmeric tea

Making herbal tea at home is a simple way to eliminate a dry cough. Half a cup of water with one teaspoon each of turmeric, black pepper, honey, and cinnamon. Use the tea bags once a day until you feel relief from the cough. You can also use turmeric root to ease coughing.

Roast turmeric root, grind it, and make a fine powder; mix it with water or honey. Take this tea twice a day. Turmeric has antioxidative, antibacterial, antiviral, and anti-inflammatory properties. It is very beneficial for respiratory tract diseases and prevents you from having an asthmatic attack.


The positive effect of pineapple on cough is due to the compounds present in it called bromelain. It does not treat coughs superficially, although it treats the underlying cause. The proteolytic activity of its enzyme loosens the mucus and reduces sinus inflammation. You can get rid of the cough by taking a slice of pineapple or using pineapple juice (not very effective) daily. You can also take bromelain supplements, but consult your doctor before taking any supplements.

Benefits of using home remedies

Home remedies have many benefits over medicine that contains chemicals that create side effects on your body. A few of the advantages of using natural home remedies are as under:

Free of harmful chemicals

Natural remedies contain ingredients we use daily in preparing meals or some herbs free from harmful chemicals, so they have no side effects. While the compounds present in medicine relieve one problem, they, side by side, create another one.


As you can prepare remedies at home using the substances you use daily, these ingredients are more inexpensive than the medicines prescribed by doctors.

More effective 

Home remedies are more effective than commercial pharmaceutical products. Vegetables, fruits, and spices used as remedies can treat several diseases like respiratory problems, stomach issues, and other illnesses.


Coughing is frequently accompanied by laryngitis, sinusitis, and bronchitis, just a few of the respiratory conditions that often manifest with coughing. It may also occur due to a cold, bacterial or viral infection. Physicians suggest several cough syrups that can treat coughs but can cause side effects, so most people rely on home remedies. You can treat coughs at home with vegetables, fruit, and spices. These home-based products are powerful and can treat the underlying conditions of cough.


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