Hormonal acne: What does hormonal acne look like? Its Causes and Treatment

Acne is frequently referred to as hormonal acne. Between ages 11 and 30, acne, often known as pimples, affects about 80% of people.

hormonal acne

Acne is frequently referred to as hormonal acne, especially adult acne. Its development is influenced by hormones and many other elements, such as stress levels, aberrant skin cells, infections, and heredity.

Many people have acne. Between ages 11 and 30, acne, often known as pimples, affects about 80% of people.

Many women experience hormonal acne caused by changes in the hormonal balance in the body. I know it can be very stressful and affect self-esteem and confidence.

There are many causes of hormonal acne, such as hormones, infections, genetics, and stress. In addition to hormonal medications and acne treatment, diet and lifestyle help effectively control and reduce symptoms.

Many acne treatments exist, but I've found that a few dietary changes can significantly improve symptoms. Depending on personal triggers and nutritional requirements, the hormonal acne diet can change from person to person. Our hormones are directly affected by the foods we eat, including hormones that cause acne.

What is hormonal acne?

Adults between their 20s and 50's are affected by hormonal acne, sometimes referred to as adult acne. It involves hormonal fluctuations associated with hormonal changes, often appearing during and after puberty, especially in old age. The symptoms of hormonal acne in women might range from severe rashes to white and blackheads. Blood artery obstruction and inflammation are the leading causes of acne. Menstruation and menopause are just two of the many potential causes of this.

Spots from hormonal acne also develop in the mouth, chin, and jaw. On the face and chest, pimples may develop due to hormonal acne.

Acne development may be caused by a variety of reasons, including:

  • having oily skin
  • wearing pore-blocking (comedogenic) products
  • genetics
  • taking certain medications
  • sunlight exposure
  • hormones

What does hormonal acne look like?

Common hormonal symptoms of acne include nodules, cysts, comedones, papules, pustules, and comedones. Black and whiteheads often don't cause discomfort, swelling, or inflammation, but cysts and pimples are more likely to develop when they do. A cyst develops under the skin if you're unfamiliar with the term. Usually, touching is either painful or gentle. Redness, swelling, pain, and tenderness can all be symptoms of infected blisters.

The usual places vary according to age and health, even though hormonal acne can arise anywhere in your body. These T-zone lesions are more prevalent in adolescents (forehead, nose, and chin). Adults at least 20 years old frequently experience acne on their lower facial features, such as the jaw, chin, and lower cheeks.

The role of hormones in the development of acne.

Acne is a result of a variety of circumstances. One of the most important is the role of hormones. Hormones play a significant role in skin and hair development and can also affect how the skin reacts to acne. Hormones are essential because they control a lot of the processes that occur in the skin. For example, hormones control the production of oil and sweat. They also control the growth of hair and the production of sebum, a type of skin oil.

Hormones can affect the way the skin reacts to acne. For example, testosterone can increase the production of sebum. Sebum is a type of skin oil, and it can cause acne.

Other hormones can also affect the way the skin reacts to acne. For example, estrogen can increase the production of oil and skin cells. This can lead to acne. Hormones can also affect how the skin reacts to acne treatment.

What Causes Hormonal Acne?

Clogged pores cause hormonal acne. The causes of acne are complex and multifactorial. The effects of various hormones on acne are still under investigation. However, some researchers believe that androgens play an important role. A class of hormones known as androgens can increase the sebum produced by the skin's sebaceous glands. Hormonal acne occurs when hormonal changes increase the sebum produced by your skin. Everyone has specific levels of androgens and these increase during puberty.

The body's levels of androgen hormones can be increased by a variety of factors, such as:

  • stress
  • puberty
  • specific medical conditions, such as polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)
  • certain medications, such as progesterone-only birth control

What are the symptoms of hormonal acne?

Acne causes sores (damaged skin tissue) that can become inflamed, red, tender, or sore. The scars usually appear on your forehead, but they can also appear in the following areas:

  • Face.
  • Neck.
  • Back.
  • Shoulders.
  • Chest.

The following types of lesions can develop as a result of hormonal acne:

  • Whiteheads.
  • Blackheads.
  • Papules (raised skin tissue, 2-5 mm in diameter).
  • Pustules (skin bumps that contain pus, 2-5 mm in diameter).
  • Cysts (pockets under the skin that have fluid).

At what age does hormonal acne occur?

Hormonal acne can start in adolescence and continue into your twenties and thirties. Hormonal acne can also first develop over the age of 20.

Hormonal acne can also progress into menopause and menopause.

Traditional treatments for hormonal acne

Over-the-counter (OTC) treatments don't work, except for minor hormonal acne.

This is because cystic bumps often form as a result of hormonal acne. Most topical treatments cannot see this plaque since it develops deep beneath the skin.

Oral drugs can balance hormones and clear the skin by acting within. Oral contraceptives and anti-androgen drugs are frequent choices.

Pare back your skincare routine

If you frequent Instagram or TikTok, you've probably seen influencers posting detailed skincare regimens and product lists.

The optimum approach, in Spiering's' professional opinion, is simplicity.

We advise limiting your skincare regimen to a straightforward cleanser, moisturizer, and sunscreen.

Oral contraceptives

Contraceptives specifically used to treat acne contain Ethinyl estradiol plus any of the following:

  • drospirenone
  • norgestimate
  • norethindrone

Together, these factors target hormones that can cause acne. This can be especially helpful in hormonal surges, such as during pregnancy.

See a dermatologist

You could think your skin issue is too severe to address.

"If your skin is seriously impacting your way of life, consult a dermatologist and receive trustworthy care."

You don't have to treat acne alone; excellent therapies are available. A dermatologist can assist you in researching your options and deciding which one is best for you.

Anti-androgen drugs

Anti-androgens work by reducing male hormones. Both men and women have normal levels of this hormone. However, too many androgens can cause acne by disrupting the hair follicles that control skin cells and increase sebum production.

Despite being primarily used to treat high blood pressure, spironolactone (Aldactone) has an androgenic effect. In other words, it can balance your hormone levels and stop your body from creating too many androgens. Despite being primarily used to treat high blood pressure, spironolactone (Aldactone) has an androgenic effect. In other words, it can balance your hormone levels and stop your body from creating too many androgens.

Consider hormonal birth control.

Hormonal contraception can offer some relief if nothing else does.

As long as your doctor deems it safe, testing out birth control pills as a component of an acne treatment regimen can be worthwhile.

There isn't just one recommended acne treatment. However, progesterone-only capsules can exacerbate acne.

Everyone's well-being is of utmost importance, so it's essential to balance your desire for clear skin with your well-being worldwide. These medicines are not for everyone and can have their own annoying, irritating, and even painful side effects.


Use a topical retinoid if your hormonal acne is mild. Retinoids are found in vitamin A.

The market is flooded with retinoid creams, gels, and ointments. However, you might wish to discuss prescription stimulants with your doctor. Using prescription medications is frequently the most excellent method to maintain healthy skin.

Apply sunscreen daily if you're adding a topical retinoid to your routine. Retinoids can make you more susceptible to sunburn.

Potential side effects of hormonal acne treatments. 

The few possible adverse effects of hormonal acne treatments are usually minor and transient. The most common side effects are increased acne breakouts, tenderness, and redness. Some women also experience a decrease in menstrual flow, nausea, and mood changes. Please consult your doctor if any of these adverse effects are severe or persistent.

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