10 Effective Natural Remedies for Constipation

Constipation remedies such as taking fiber supplements, eating a high-fiber diet, and doing a colon massage can help improve the situation.

Constipation remedies such as taking fibre supplements, eating a high-fibre diet, and doing a colon massage can help improve the situation. Other treatments may include taking laxatives or using lotions or enemas.

What is constipation?

It is considered constipation when bowel movements happen less frequently than three times per week or when they are painful and challenging to clear. This can lead to undue stress and time spent on the toilet.

Causes of constipation vary and are generally seen as a symptom of an underlying problem, not a condition. Possible causes of constipation include dehydration or a low-fibre diet. In other, more severe cases, constipation can be caused by stress, hormonal changes, spinal cord injury, nerve problems, cancer, and bone disorders that affect digestion.

According to a 2014 study, the average complete colon transit time is about 10 to 73 hours. However, exercise, dietary habits, age, gender, and health status affect the amount of stool you pass on any day. While you should have no fixed number of bowel movements, having three or fewer bowel movements a week can be dangerous.

Find out how to reduce short-term and chronic constipation and when to get medical advice.

Constipation Treatment

You have several options for treating constipation. Your choice depends on why you were banned and whether it's a new or long-term problem.

How do you reduce constipation naturally?

Drink more water

A constipated person should try to drink plenty of water. Regular dehydration can cause diarrhea. To avoid this, drinking plenty of water and staying hydrated is essential.

If a person is constipated, they can drink carbonated (hot) water. This can help hydrate it and get things moving again.

Several studies have shown sparkling water is more effective than tap water in reducing gastritis. This includes those with anorexia nervosa and those with chronic idiopathic digestive disorders.

However, drinking soft drinks like sugary sodas is not a good idea, as these can harm your health and worsen constipation.

Some IBS sufferers have discovered that soft drinks make their symptoms worse; as a result, they may wish to stay away from sparkling water, other alcoholic beverages, gas, and non-carbonated drinks.

Bottom line: Constipation can lead to dehydration, so drink plenty of water. Sparkling water may be more effective at reducing constipation than still water.

Exercise regularly.

You may not want to hit the gym when you have spare time, but exercise can give you the rest you need. For example, walking or running can help strengthen the muscles of the stomach and intestines. Any activity that helps the stomach move something.

Make exercise a routine to help prevent and relieve constipation. Aim to get at least 150 minutes of moderate aerobic activity per week. This equates to 30 minutes of daily, five-day-a-week aerobic exercise. Start with modest objectives if this seems overwhelming to you. 

To maintain consistency, make an effort to exercise every day.

High-fibre foods

Your gut health, your gut flora, and how you feel in general may all be impacted by what you consume.

By boosting stool volume and hastening the colon's transit time, high-fiber diets can help you manage constipation.

These foods are rich in fibre:

  • Whole-wheat pasta.
  • Barley.
  • Chickpeas.
  • Edamame.
  • Lentils and split peas.
  • Blackberries.
  • Raspberries.
  • Pears.
  • Artichoke hearts.
  • Brussels sprouts.
  • Chia seeds.
  • Avocado.
  • Oatmeal.
  • Whole grain bread.
  • Prunes.

Try stomach exercises.

Your doctor may advise you to train yourself to urinate simultaneously each day to be regular. For example, having a bowel movement 15 to 45 minutes after breakfast can help because food helps the stomach move urine.

Give yourself enough time to urinate, and once the desire arises, immediately visit the bathroom. To feel at ease, loosen up your muscles or put your feet on a treadmill.

People drink coffee, especially caffeinated coffee.

Drinking coffee can help reduce constipation. Coffee may make some individuals feel more compelled to use the restroom. This is because coffee stimulates the digestive system.

A 1998 study showed that caffeinated coffee could stimulate the stomach like food does. This effect is 60% stronger than drinking water and 23% stronger than drinking decaffeinated coffee.

Small amounts of soluble fibre, which help maintain a healthy balance of intestinal flora and prevent constipation, are also present in coffee. However, the gastrointestinal effects of caffeine can be vital for people with IBS. It can also worsen gastrointestinal symptoms.

People with IBS can try eliminating caffeine from their diet to see if it helps.

Buy coconut oil

Daily use of one or two teaspoons of coconut oil might help the intestines stay moisturized. This can also help prevent constipation. Ask your doctor if this product might work for you.

There are alternative methods to incorporate coconut oil into your diet if the thought of consuming a tablespoon of it doesn't appeal to you. For instance, you may add it to your morning coffee or a salad by combining it with vinegar.

Eat foods with probiotics or take a probiotic supplement.

Probiotics can help prevent chronic constipation. Probiotics are live, healthy bacteria that are naturally present in the gut. They include Bifidobacteria and Lactobacillus.

People can increase their levels by eating antibiotic-rich foods. Some people with chronic gastritis have a bacterial imbalance in their colon. Eating more foods with probiotics can help maintain this balance and prevent constipation.

According to a 2019 review, taking probiotics for two weeks can help treat constipation, improve bowel movements, and keep diarrhea at bay.

They can also help treat constipation by producing short-chain fatty acids. This can increase bowel movements, making it easier to evacuate.

Try a probiotic supplement as an alternative. Several studies have shown that people begin to feel the benefits of this supplement after four weeks.

Try online probiotic supplements or eat more probiotic foods to see if this helps with constipation. Foods that contain prebiotics include:

  • Yogurt combination
  • Finely chopped cabbage
  • Kimchi

The Bottom Line: Probiotics can help treat chronic constipation. Try to eat foods with antibiotics or take supplements.

Consider taking magnesium supplements.

Getting enough magnesium in your diet can also help reduce constipation. Oral magnesium supplements act as osmotic laxatives. This means it draws water into your digestive system, making stools softer.

You can buy magnesium tablets. There are alternative methods to incorporate coconut oil into your diet if the thought of consuming a tablespoon of it doesn't appeal to you. 

Additionally, foods contain magnesium. If you have a history of renal issues, see your doctor before taking magnesium. Simply put, most foods high in magnesium also contain fiber. For example, whole and dark grains are good sources of both.

Try belly massage.

Rectal massage can help stimulate the bowels of constipated people due to the slow movement of stool through the colon.

Try to avoid dairy products.

In immunocompromised individuals, consumption of dairy products may cause diarrhea due to its effect on intestinal motility.

This includes children who are allergic to cow's milk protein and adults who are lactose intolerant.

A person who suspects a milk allergy may consult their doctor for a diagnosis. Your doctor may advise you to temporarily eliminate dairy from your diet while increasing your intake of other calcium-rich foods to see if that improves your symptoms.

In summary, dairy or lactose intolerance can cause some people to panic. For these people, eliminating dairy products from the diet can help alleviate symptoms.

Nevertheless, many natural cures and home treatments work well. One can speak with their doctor if constipation is persistent to determine the cause and receive successful therapy.

However, many of the natural home remedies for constipation in this article can provide a lot of relief.

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