What causes snoring? Natural remedy for snoring

Do you have trouble falling asleep because of loud snoring? You may be suffering from sleep apnea. Find out what causes snoring and how to treat it.

I'm a big believer in a good night's sleep, but if snoring is a problem, there's nothing you can do to get a good night's sleep! Snoring is a common problem in adults (and it can affect children too!), so it's a good idea to check if you or your child aren't getting enough sleep or are feeling restless in the morning.

What causes snoring?

The exact causes can apply to adults and children, although not always. Listed below are a some of the most typical causes of snoring:

Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA)

In sleep apnea, the upper airway collapses, causing breathing to stop. The person awakens as a result and starts breathing again. Many people with obstructive sleep apnea often wake up at night, even if they don't know it. Snoring results from a person trying to breathe through a narrow airway. It is more common in adults.


Another common cause of obstructive sleep apnea and snoring is obesity and weight gain. A 2010 study found that weight loss significantly affected obstructive sleep apnea symptoms, including snoring. This applies to both children and adults.

Swollen tonsils

At the back of the throat are the tonsils and adenoids. It may swell or grow as a result of illness or other issues. The tonsils can restrict breathing when they swell up. Children frequently snore for this reason.

Structural problems

Snoring may be brought on by specific structural issues, such as a deviated nasal septum. To determine whether this concerns you or your child, consult a reputable doctor.

Specific anatomical issues, such as a deviated nasal septum, might lead to snoring. Consult a respected physician if you or your child are concerned about this.

Reducing the duration of breastfeeding

A 2012 study discovered a connection between an infant's propensity to snore and the length of time they were breastfed. Breastfeeding plays an essential role in shaping the upper palate, which is likely the reason for this association.

Congestion and sensitivity

Inflammation or congestion of the nasal passages due to allergies, the common cold, or other conditions can sometimes cause snoring. This form of snoring can be bothersome to the snorer (and family members sleeping close!) but is typically nothing to be concerned about. This can often be helped by changing sleeping positions or taking medications to help with swelling and inflammation of the soft tissues.

Is snoring a big problem?

Typically, light snoring is not a cause for concern. This may be due to nasal congestion, sinusitis, or other temporary problems.

But if snoring is common, especially in children, you should be careful about it. Snoring and obstructive sleep apnea can cause several health problems, including:

Heart disease

A 2008 article describes how patients with acute sleep apnea have an increased risk of coronary artery disease, congestive heart failure, and stroke.

Blood pressure problems

The article above also notes that people with sleep apnea also experience breathing problems, which can lead to high blood pressure in the sympathetic nervous system and later lead to blood pressure problems.


As a result of high blood pressure, arrhythmias can occur. The article above notes that more research is needed to understand the role of sleep apnea in heart disease, but experts consider the current findings concerning enough to recommend sleep apnea and snoring treatment as soon as possible.

Diagnosing Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

While snoring doesn't directly cause ADHD, if a child doesn't get enough rest because of the distraction caused by snoring, they may have trouble concentrating the next day. For this reason, it's important to take sleep apnea and snoring seriously.

Take into account these suggestions if you know or suspect an ADHD connection.

Risk factors

Risk factors that can cause snoring include:

  • Be a man. Men are more prone to snoring and obstructive sleep apnea than women.
  • Obesity. Obstructive sleep apnea and snoring are more common among overweight or obese people. 
  • Narrowing of the airways. People with long soft palates, tonsils, or adenoids may have narrowed airways and snore.
  • He drank alcohol. Snoring happens when the throat muscles relax, which increases the likelihood of snoring.
  • I have a problem with my nose. If your airway is structurally compromised, such as by a deviated nasal septum, or your nose is frequently blocked, you are more prone to snoring.
  • Family history of snoring or sleep apnea due to obstruction. A possible risk factor for OSAS is heredity.


A snoring habit can be more than just a nuisance. If your snoring is accompanied by obstructive sleep apnea, in addition to disrupting your partner's sleep, you may also be at risk for the following issues:

  • Sleepy during the day.
  • They are often frustrated or angry.
  • It's hard to concentrate.
  • Increased risk of hypertension, heart disease, and stroke.
  • Behavioural problems, such as aggression or learning disabilities, are more common in children with obstructive sleep apnea.
  • Car crashes are more likely when people are sleep deprived.

Treating Sleep Apnea Naturally

There are several natural remedies for snoring that you can use at home. One of these is called “nasal strips.” Nasal strips are thin pieces of material that go inside the nostrils. They work by blocking the nasal passages so air cannot pass through them while sleeping. Another option is to put drops of water in each nostril before bedtime. This helps to relax the nose and throat muscles, making breathing easier without snoring.

Natural home remedies for snoring

You must consult your healthcare practitioner to receive an accurate diagnosis of a sleep disorder if you or your kid experiences breathing problems while you are asleep. Once you know what you're dealing with, you and your doctor can devise a plan to improve your breathing and sleep. A CPAP machine is usually a treatment option, but other options exist. You may want to take the following actions to reduce snoring:

To live

Our family uses Vivus to cater to our kids' bedtime tastes. This device helps to widen the roof of the throat naturally and keeps the airways open. We've seen better sleep and fewer morning breaths. Vivos also works for adults and helps my husband snore (great for him and me!).

Dental diet

As Dr. Stephen Lane explains in this podcast episode, the food we eat dramatically shapes the mouth. Fat-soluble vitamins and healthy fats are essential for healthy teeth.

The fat-soluble vitamins you should focus on are:

  • Vitamin A
  • Vitamin D
  • Vitamin K2

This fat-soluble vitamin is rarely found in nature. They come from only a small group of foods, which is why many traditional cultures value these foods. My family prefers to use fat-soluble vitamins plus lots of healthy fats.

We also eat fermented foods, pasteurized meat, butter, coconut oil, avocados, and fish to get those vitamins and healthy fats.

Lifestyle changes.

While diet is essential, other lifestyle factors can help reduce snoring. Here are some suggestions:

Quit smoking

  • Less alcohol before going to bed.
  • Do not take sedatives before bedtime.

Enough sleep

You can try sleeping differently (on your side rather than your back), raising the head of the bed (or adding a cushion), and lifting your nose in addition to these strategies. Help to get to sleep. You are napping. Apply strips.

Moisturizing cream

A humidifier can help humidify the bedroom air at night and be used in the house during the day. Moist air soothes and relaxes the airways and nose, making breathing easier.


You can do many exercises to strengthen and relax your tongue, throat, and mouth so that air continues to flow smoothly. Here are some of the Sleep Solutions NW:

Tongue exercise

The tongue, jaw, and throat muscles can be tightened with this exercise.

  • Spread your lips wide and extend your tongue.
  • The tip of your tongue should be extended to contact your chin.
  • Hold your tongue there for five seconds, as close to your chin as you can.
  • Stretch your tongue and steer.

Audio pronunciation

This exercise aids in the tightening of the muscles in your mouth and throat. It also works on the soft palate.

Begin by posing in front of a mirror.

  • Pronounce each vowel (A, E, I, O, U), but increase the mouth movements for each vowel.
  • Try to form each vowel by stretching your mouth.
  • Repeat each vowel five times.
  • Tiger roar

This workout targets the muscles in the back of your throat.

Standing in front of the mirror.

  • Open your mouth and say "oh," making sure your tongue sticks out and sticks to the bottom of your mouth.
  • Additionally, when you stick out your tongue, elevate the uvula, the tiny fleshy portion of your neck.
  • Hold the raised uvula for 5 seconds. Repeat the exercise 10 times.

Screw your tongue.

  • Gently stick out your tongue and bite to hold it in place.
  • Swallow five times in a row.
  • Repeat the exercise five times.
  • Repeat the entire sequence four times a day.

Why Does My Dog Snore?

There are several reasons why dogs might snore. One reason is that they breathe through their noses instead of their mouths. This makes them more likely to snort while sleeping. Another possible cause is that they have an abnormally large tongue. A third possibility is that they have a deviated nasal septum, which means that the bones in their nose aren’t aligned properly.

Do you wake up snoring? Try these snoring remedies.

Snoring might result in sleep loss for you, your partner, or your children (who always sleep in mom's bed!). Fortunately, some simple natural remedies can help. Make plans with your doctor for better sleep for the whole family!

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